Optimizing Everyday Life By Digitizing Operations
In Montreal, you’ll find one of the most favourable environments for starting a business. A forerunner among start-up incubators, the MTL Inc. Foundation is still recognized today as one of the essential organizations supporting entrepreneurs in Montreal.
Symetris enabled the Foundation to completely redesign its intranet in order to improve its ergonomics, while facilitating the management of data and processes.
Over more than five years of support, this ever-evolving platform now enables oversight of the Foundation’s entire value chain: from the reception of applications to project evaluation, and from the awarding of scholarships to the monitoring of growth, while also enabling volunteer management and the extraction of statistical reports.
All multinationals started this way!

Centralize all Foundation operations in one main database
Reduce operational costs by automating processes
Facilitate access to information and record activity history for future reference
increase of applications
active users in the platform
of reports custom developed (complex data extraction)
Digitization and Automation
Because the Intranet is at the center of all the Foundation's activities, it has complex and multiple functionalities. All processes are managed by the same system: from the application process to usage by multiple stakeholders, from the management of volunteers through to all the services offered to the winners (training, mentoring, events).
Migration and Centralization of Data
The data had to be migrated from a poorly standardized system and then centralized in a master application. This centralization of data enables a panoply of reports listing all the activities of the organization.
Granularity of Permissions
Multiple users with different levels of access must interact with the data without compromising the security and privacy of the data.