Symetris presents at Salon du Logiciel Libre du Québec (S2QL)

Our web agency had a wonderful time deconstructing the "open source myths and realities" during our conference at the S2QL event in Montreal this month.

Symetris presents at Salon du Logiciel Libre du Québec (S2QL)

Our web agency had a wonderful time deconstructing the "open source myths and realities" during our conference at the S2QL event in Montreal this month.

Brad, our president and speaker, revealed the benefits and other items to take into consideration when comes the moment to choose your web platform. With 12 years of experience running Symetris, Brad had this conversation many times with clients and, of course, did that same exercise for his own company.

To look up our presentation (we kept a minimalist approach, but you’ll find our usual humour!).


Symetris is the web agency where you can find the highest number of Acquia certified developers throughout the province. While we are experts at creating websites and web applications, our team also speaks at various events.

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